Vi IMproved
© 2019 Martin Bruchanov,
Basic control and conventions
- Key combination – several keys pressed together, e.g. Ctrl+AE means Ctrl+Shift+aE.
- Key sequence – several keys or combinations pressed gradually, e.g.. Ctrl+wwE means a press of combination Ctrl+w and than a key w.
- Working mode – it is displayed bottom right:
- ■ C – basic command mode, EscE,
- ■ E – insert mode InsC, iC,
- ■ V – visual, used for highlighting of text blocks vC/VC,
- ■ ex – command line ex-mode :C.
- Repeat command with typing number n× of repetitions before command, e.g. 5xC deletes 5 chars from cursor position. Option set showcmd shows command sequence in bottom right.
- Help: help topic, use Tab for command completion.
- Similar commands uses same keys, e.g. fC / FC, tC / TC (see below). The difference is direction or range of operation.
- Repeat last: command .C, macro @@C
- Undo: uC ≈ undo, redo Ctrl+rC / redo
- Set or unset options with set option a set nooption. Alone set displays current options.
- Shortening of options: set ignorecase ≈ se ic
- Line addressing of ex-commands:
- xcommand execute on line x
- x,ycommand from x to line y
- .,$command from actual position to the end
- %command ≈ 1,\$command for whole file
- .,+xcomm ≈ xcomm from cursor to next x lines
- .,$–x from current position to x. line from the end
- /pattern1/,/pattern2/ from the first occurrence of line with pattern1 to the first pattern2
- More ex-commands together: command1 | command2
- Comparison of two files: vimdiff file1 file2
Edit and save
- Edit: edit file
- Open new empty file: enew
- Insert file to current position: read file
- Insert output of system command: read !command
- Save/append file: write file / w >> file
- Save/append lines n to m: n,mw file / n,mw>> file
- Save and quit: wq, enforced wq!
- Quit without save: q! ≈ ZQC
- Quit and save when file was changed: x ≈ ZZC
- Go to file under the cursos: gfC
- Change name of current file: f jméno
- Insert before/after: char iC / aC, line IC / AC
- Insert new line above/below cursor: OC / oC
- Rewrite: char rC, word cwC, line ccC, text RC ≈ InsInsC
- Delete char/line and continue edit:sC / SC
Moving throught file
- Open file on 23rd line: vim file +23
- Cursor: →C ≈ lC, ←C ≈ hC, ↑C ≈ kC, ↓C ≈ jC
- Paging: Ctrl+fC ≈ PageUpE / Ctrl+bC ≈ PageDownE
- Half-paging up/down: Ctrl+uC / Ctrl+dC
- Jump to nth line: n ≈ nGC , the last $ ≈ GC
- Jump to percentual line position: n%C
- Display current line number: Ctrl+gC, set number
- Display number of lines: =
- Jump to byte position: goto n
- Jump in line before char a forward/backward: taC / TaC
- Jump in line to char a forward/backward: faC / FaC
- Repeat last line search forward/backward: ;C / ,C
- Go to beggining of next/previous word: wC / bC
- Go to end of a word: eC, with interpunction EC
- Go to declaration: gdC
- Go to begin/end of paragraph: {C / }C, block: [{C / ]}C
- Go to begin/end of line: HomeC ≈ ^C / EndC ≈ $C
- Go to next/previous sentence: )C / (C
- Go to next/previous line: EndC ≈ +C / -C
- Go to column: first 0C ≈ |C; nth n|C
- Jump to pair bracket: %C
- Print position, number of lines and chars, etc.: gCtrl+gC
Marking of position
- Insert invisible mark a: maC
- Jump to mark a: 'aC
- Print marks: marks
- Erase mark a: delmarks a
- Process text from mark a to b: 'a,'b příkaz, e.g. 'a,'b !sort will use external command for sort
Deleting, moving and copying of text
- Deletion automatically stores text in register (for moving)
- Delete: char xC ≈ DelC; previous char XC ≈ d←C ≈ dhC, Ctrl+hE ≈ BackSpaceE; word dwC ≈ Ctrl+wE; line ddC
- Delete up to pair bracket: d%C
- Delete to end/beginning of sentence: d)C / d(C
- Delete the rest of line/file: DC ≈ d$C / dGC
- Delete from cursor position to beginning: d0C ≈ d^C
- Delete all empty lines (or regex): global/^$/delete
- Join lines: JC add space, gJC without space
- Copy to register: line YC ≈ yyC, word ywC
- Copy to the beginning/end of line: y0C / y$C
- Copy N characters forward/backwards: yNlC/yNhC
- More registers: press "k…C before command will save text to register k. E.g. "kyyC copies line into k
- Paste content of last used register or last deleted text: after pC, before PC cursor, "kppC pastes register k
- Special register: "% – current file name, "/ – last search, "+ – system clipboard …
- Copy all file to a system clipboard: ggC"+yCGC
- Show content of registers: register a
- Swaps the next two chars/lines: xpC / ddpC
- ex-mode: delete d, move m, copy co ≈ t
- 10,20m0 – move lines 10–20 to the beginning (0)
- .,+5d a – delete next 5 lines and store them to reg. a
- Set text width: set textwidth=n
- Switch on line wrap: set wrap
- Justify: center, right, left
- Format line: gqqC
- Format paragraph: gqapC jump to end, gwapC
- Reverse case of char: ~C, line g~~C
- Line to upper/lower: gUUC / VuC ≈ guuC / VUC
- Whole file to upper/lower case: gggUGC / ggguGC
- While line/file ROT13 encoding: g??C / ggg?GC
- Shift line: >>C, Ctrl+tE of set shiftwidth=n
- Shift line leftwards: <<C, Ctrl+dE
- Tabbing: TabE ≈ Ctrl+iE
- Shift line same as before: ==C
- Indent block relatively: =a{ C
- Refresh indentation of whole file: gg=GC
- Complement word before/after cursor: Ctrl+pE / Ctrl+nE
- Name of file in working directory: Ctrl+x Ctrl+fE
- Name of directory: Ctrl+x Ctrl+dE
- Whole line: Ctrl+x Ctrl+lE
- Word from dictionary: Ctrl+x Ctrl+kE
- System command (reads $PATH): Ctrl+x Ctrl+vE
- Increase/decrease number under cursor: Ctrl+aC / Ctrl+xC
- Name of current file: Ctrl+r%E
Completition at ex-command line
- Insert content of register a: Ctrl+ra
- Insert word under the cursor: Ctrl+r Ctrl+a
- Cancel command: Ctrl+u
Insert special sumbols
- Display unprintable characters: set list
- Insert ASCII char: Ctrl+v code EndE
- Show ASCII/UTF-8 of char under cursor: gaC / g8C
- Suppress control character, e.g. Tab (^I): Ctrl+v TabE
- Table of Unicode digraphs: digraphs
- Insert digraphs:Ctrl+k K1 K2E
- Digraphs: ± +- ° DG × *X ÷ -: – -N — -M „ :9 “ :6
- Define digraphs .3 for „…“ (U+2026): dig .3 8230
Search and replace
- Ignore case: set ignorecase, opposite set noic
- Search forward/backward: /patternC / ?patternC
- Repeat last search: /C / ?C
- Ignore case: /\cpatternC
- Jump to next searched place: nC forward, NC backward
- Search for word under the cursor: #C forward, *C backward
- Search by ASCII code of „M“: %d77, %x4d, %o0115
- Search Unicode character „α“ (U+03B1): %u03b1
- Substitution: substitute/from/to/flag, abbr. s
- Repeat last substitution: s ≈ s//~/
- The delimiter / can be any char instead \, " and |
- Flags: c – confirmation, g – for whole line, p – print, without flag changes only first occurence
- Cancel highlight: nohlsearch
- Search in more files:vimgrep /pattern/g f1 f2 … fn
- Execute command on line with: global/pattern/command
- Execute where pattern not match: g!/pattern/command
Regular expressions
- Begin/end of: line ^ / $, word \< / \>, file %^ / %$
- Last searched pattern/substitution: & / ~
- Matches any character: . (dot)
- Or/and: | / \&
- Suppress next special symbol: \., \&, $, \^, \\, \*
- Atom: \(pattern\)
- Nth reference: \N, first \(pattern\) = \1
- Ranges: [abcd] ≈ [a-d], [a-zA-Z] ≈ \a, [0-9] ≈ \d
- Ignored chars and ranges: [^abcd] ≈ [^a-d]
- Zero or multiple z: z* ≈ z\{0,\}
- One or multiple z: z\+ ≈ z\{1,\}
- One or zero times: z\? ≈ z\{0,1\}
- Repetition z: z\{n\} accurate n×, z\{n,\} minimal n×, z\{n,m\} min. n and max. m times
Folding of text blocks (help folding)
- Fold text: zfC, selected zfV
- Jump to beginning/end of fold: [zC / ]zC
- Open fold under the cursor: zoC, recursively zOC
- Open/close all: zRC / zMC
- Switch fold-unfold: zaC, recursively zAC
- Highlight folded parts: set foldcolumn=5
Edit more files, windows and tabs
More files (edit buffers)
- Start vim: vim file1 file2…
- Display buffers: ls ≈ files (numbered)
- Switch to next/previous file: next / prev
- Switch to first/last file:rewind ≈ first / last
- Perform mass command for all files:bufdo command
- New window: new ≈ Ctrl+wnC
- Split window: split ≈ Ctrl+wsC
- Vertically split window: vsplit ≈ Ctrl+wvC
- Close window: close ≈ Ctrl+wcC
- Close all except current: only ≈ Ctrl+woC
- Jump to next window: Ctrl+wwC
- Shrink/large window by n lines: Ctrl+wn-C / Ctrl+wn+C
- Shrink/large window by n columns: Ctrl+wn<C / Ctrl+wn>C
- Same size for all windows: Ctrl+w=C
- Mass: write wall, quit qall, wqall
- Perform mass command for all windows: windo command
- Open name under cursor in new window: Ctrl+wfC
Moving in window
- Jump to window line: top HC, middle MC, last LC
- Jump to nth line from top/bottom: nHC/nLC
- Set actual line to: top zEndC, center z.C, bottom z-C
- Scroll window up/down by: line Ctrl+eC / Ctrl+yC, page Ctrl+bC / Ctrl+fC, half-page Ctrl+uC / Ctrl+dC
- Redraw window without scrolling: Ctrl+lC
- Command: vim -p f1, f2 … open files in tabs
- Create/close tab: tabnew / tabc
- Close all, except current tab: tabo
- Go to next/previous: tabn ≈ Ctrl+PageDownE / tabp ≈ Ctrl+PageUpE
- Move after the fold n: tabm n
- Perform mass command: tabdo command
- Change tab design: set tabline
- Open name of file under cursor in new tab: Ctrl+wgfC
Visual mode
- Select: chars vC, lines VC, cursor sets range
- Block text selection: Ctrl+VC
- Change to upper/lower case: UV / uV
- Select: word awV, ()/{} block abV / aBV, no brackets ibV / iBV; XML block with marks atV, inside marks itV
- Perform command in selected range: '<,'> command
Abbreviations, key maps and macros
- Define abbreviation: abreviate abbr full expansion
- Abbreviations for insert/ex-mode: iabbrev / cabbrev
- List/delete abbreviations: ab / unab abbreviation
- Map key x: map x commands
- Map by mode: map imap cmap nmap vmap
- Map key for insert mode: map! x commands
- List key mapping: map/map!
- Delete mapping: unmap x/unmap! x
- Write macro to register a: qaC
- End macro definition: qC
- Perform macro in register a: @aC
- Repeat last called macro: @@C
- Execute macro a as ex-command: @a
Spell checking
- Switch on spelling: set spell spelllang=cs,en
- Search next/previous mistype: ]sC / [sC
- Add to dictionary a word under cursor: zgC
- Add temporary to dictionary: zGC
- Set word as bad: zwC, temporary zWC
- Suggest correctly spelled words: z=C
- Always take the first suggestion: 1z=C
Programmer support
- Run make: make
- Jump to next/previous error: cprevious / cnext
- List all errors: clist
- Add window with list of errors: copen
- Show line numbering: set number
- Turn on/off color syntax: set syntax / syntax off
- Refresh syntax coloring: syntax sync fromstart
- Start shell: shell
- Open manpage of command under cursor: KC
- Open file under the cursor: gfC
- Save as color HTML: runtime! syntax/2html.vim
- Wildcard of current file %, e.g. !context % process current file with ConTeXt